Saturday, May 3, 2008

Powerful Article Marketing

Well-written and informative articles can be your best tools in driving quality traffic to your website. Just submit them to various publishing sites and you'll instantly earn quality inbound links that can pull up your search engine ranking.

Here are the 5 rewarding secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Write about topics that are closely related to your products and business type. The reason behind this is simple; if you want to attract people who would like to buy mobile phones, you should write about topics that revolve around mobile phones like mobile phones' comparison, new mobile phones to hit the market, exciting new mobile phone's features, etc.

2. Give your readers good content. People read articles because they want to get valuable information that they can use in their lives. Offer solutions to their pressing issues or provide them with answers to their burning questions. It would also help if you can share trade secrets that can help them better understand their areas of interest or offer them information that can empower them to do great things on their own.

3. Scrap blatant ads from your articles. This is one of the common reasons why publishers reject articles. So, save your time and effort by focusing on giving your readers what they truly need - valuable information and just save your sales pitch for your resource box.

4. Take advantage of all leading article submission sites. To easily boost the number of your inbound links, submit your articles to all publishing sites that have huge, steady traffic and impressive page ranking.

5. Optimize. I am sure you would like your articles to be highly searchable online to increase their chances of being read. You can easily do this by incorporating relevant keywords all throughout your content.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Affiliate Marketing

Why writing articles as an affiliate gives you the edge.

As an affiliate marketer one of the easiest and quickest ways to drive traffic to your sites is by writing articles.

There's something about articles that gives you a slight edge on your competition, who just stick up an adwords add, and drive traffic straight to the merchants site.

A good quality article with give the reader benefits, great information, and a damn god reason for them to click through to your site to learn more.

It also gives you a good chance to build a common bond, and rapport with your reader, who by the end of reading your quality article will begin to get to know, like and trust you.

Never make a direct pitch in an article, give benefits, and give information, as that is what most people are searching for - quality information.

Here are 3 good tips to getting a good response from your article.

1. Uncover a problem that the reader or group of readers have.

2. Give them a part solution to the problem, something they can put into action straight away.

3. Let them know the full answer to their problem is awaiting them at your site, and give them a damn good reason to click through to it.

Give, give, give, and you will receive. This is a universal law that cannot be broken whether you believe it or not.

Here's some information you can use to put together a high quality affiliate marketing article.

1. Never send prospects directly to the merchant's website.

2. always try to collect names and email addresses with a squeeze page

3. Try to offer reviews of affiliate products so that you are acting as trusted impartial friend.

And finally take action and move forward, remember an ounce of action is worth a tone of thought - just do it.